CSIR-Human Resource Development Group - ExtraMural Research-II



Online Submission of Research Proposals

Last Date for submission of Proposal: 31-Aug-2022

Registration Closed

Online Submission of Pending EMR Proposals:

CSIR-Human Resource Development Group (HRDG) provides financial assistance to promote research work in the fields of Science & Technology, including Agriculture, Engineering and Medicine by way of grants to various Scientists/Professors/Experts in regular employment at various institutions and universities. Owing to the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic, large number of research proposals are pending and need to be processed further. To expedite the processing of pending research proposals, and giving the Principal Investigators(PIs) a chance to modify their proposal if they want to, CSIR- HRDG has made a special provision for online submission of such proposals through EMR Portal. However, the submission of new research proposals is suspended temporarily wef 05/05/2022 vide notice dated 05/05/2022 on HRDG website, and the aforementioned arrangement has been made only for already submitted pending research proposals. Thus, the PIs who have already submitted hard copies of their proposal before 05/05/2022 and have received a mail acknowledging the same, are now requested to submit their research proposal with or without modifications through EMR portal by 31-Aug-2022 failing which their research proposal will be treated as withdrawn


Registration Process:
The Poject Investigators (PIs) have to register by providing the required details, on successful registration, the user will receive a One Time Password setting mail to his/her registered email, using the link therein the user can create/set password for his/her account on the portal.


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